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Heat Treatment, blacken (Blue), Annealing Electric Furnace

Main Structure and Performances


Heat Treatment, blacken (Blue), Annealing Electric Furnace, also called as Ammonia Resolving Protecting Web Electrical Furnace.

Ammonia Resolving Protecting Web Electrical Furnace is a mainly electric furnace for heaters for heat treatment, blackening, blue and anneal. The electric furnace heating chamber is made of heat-resistant stainless steel, a silicon carbon rod is used as a heating element, ammonia decomposition or gas cracking is used to protect the atmosphere. The mesh belt is made of heat-resistant stainless steel, width of the mesh in 300 or 400mm, speed control motor control, and thyristor trigger control temperature control device. The furnace suitable for elements for bright anneal, blackening or bluening the surface. The electric furnace power is 80KW, and the maximum working temperature is up to 1200 °C.



Zhaoqing City Feihong Machinery & Electrical Co., Ltd.





Add:Shuiji village,Dachong,Duanzhou District Zhaoqing City,Guangdong Province,China

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